Help students thrive in their schools & communities.
SurveyMonkey is proud to support the White House’s call to action to address bullying in schools.
We firmly believe that for students to thrive in their schools and communities, they need to feel—and be—safe. In order to foster a supportive environment, it’s important to learn how students are feeling so that you can identify areas for improvement.
We offer a wide variety of education survey templates that allow educational professionals to assess several factors that contribute to the well-being and safety of young learners. Many educators use surveys or online forms to assess family/school relationships, educational outcomes, school climate, student satisfaction, parent satisfaction, and more.
For example, want to ask parents and students how likely they are to recommend your campus as a safe environment? Send them a Net Promoter® Score (NPS) survey so that you can compare your results to other schools. Then use them to set goals to improve your anti-bullying efforts.
Additionally, make sure the entire educational community is working together to promote safety at school, starting with teachers. Teachers are an invaluable resource to combat bullying, especially when they’re passionate about their jobs. Send an employee engagement survey to them to ensure they’re happy and engaged.
Below you’ll find a link to our anti-bullying survey template. Plus, you’ll find even more ways you can use education, school, and academic online surveys to promote a happier, healthier environment for future generations.
Get the answers you need with SurveyMonkey survey templates. Save time with certified survey questions using our professional education survey templates, developed by our team of survey scientists. Use our existing education survey templates and customize it with your school colors, logo, and more. You’ll be well on your way to making better decisions and creating safer places for students to grow, learn, and play.
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