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* 1. How are you currently involved in the MDRA programme?

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* 2. Have you completed individual modules or the entire degree programme?

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* 3. What area are you currently working in?

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* 4. Regulatory Affairs (RA) is a very dynamic area. How do you see the development in the aforementioned areas and the future importance of an RA manager or RA expert?

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* 5. Why did you decide in favour of or against the degree/certificate course/individual module?

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* 6. How satisfied are you with the following aspects of the current MDRA degree programme?
(Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 = very dissatisfied and 5 = very satisfied)

  Very dissatisfied Rather dissatisfied Neutral Rather satisfied Very satisfied
Course content
Topicality of the selection of topics
Topicality of the course content
Depth of detail of the presentations
Teaching methods
Flexibility of course times
Practical orientation
Support and counselling

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* 7. What do you particularly like about the MDRA programme?

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* 8. In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges or problems with the current range of degree programmes?

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* 9. In your opinion, which of the following changes would make the MDRA programme more attractive? (multiple choice possible)

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* 10. What topics or content would you like to see in the MDRA programme that are currently not covered or not sufficiently covered?

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* 11. What skills should a graduate currently acquire in the MDRA degree programme in order to meet current and future requirements in the day-to-day work of RA?

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* 12. Do you have any specific suggestions for new teaching methods or didactic approaches to make the MDRA programme more attractive?

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* 13. How important is a university degree (MDRA) to you compared to a degree/certificate from a private education provider?

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* 14. Do you think that you currently need a (university) RA degree to start your career in the RA sector or is it possible without additional qualifications (‘training on the job’)?

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* 15. What reasons are decisive for you in favour of a university degree over a private offer or not having a RA degree at all? (multiple choice possible)

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* 16. If you have completed the MDRA degree programme:

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* 17. What should be changed in the degree programme in order to be able to better apply the skills you have acquired in your career?

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* 18. Would a private education programme be of interest to you if it offered the same content as the university MDRA programme?

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* 19. Under what circumstances would you prefer a private education programme to a university degree programme? (multiple choice possible)

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* 20. Do you have any further comments or requests on the subject of university versus private education programmes?