Test your Knowledge! Question Title * 1. What is Business Ethics about? maximising profits regardless of the consequences moral, principles and values legal regulations for companies Question Title * 2. What is the CSR about? Programme for monitoring employee performance CSR only stands for environmental initiatives and ignores social aspects voluntarily taken actions by companies, to take social, ecological or economical responsibility Question Title * 3. What do the three coloums of the triple-bottom-line stand for? Planet, People, Price Plants, Products, Price Projects, Partners, Planning Question Title * 4. What is the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for? leading index to rate a company´s sustainability index to rate a company´s turnover measurement to rate the use of solar-power Question Title * 5. Why could shareholder not be interested in the customer satisfaction of a business? Because a shareholder is an employee. Because a shareholder often only cares about the business growing. Because a shareholder wants a business to fail. Question Title * 6. What can misbalancing shareholders and stakeholders interests cause? (Multiple answers can be correct) Growing revenue Faster wear and tear on machines Unsatisfied customers Scandals Suppliers delivering better material Loss of trust Question Title * 7. What can companies do to enhance their Corporate Social Responsibility? (Multiple answers can be correct) Extend employees' working hours to increase productivity Installing solar fields for power supply Donate money for social organizations or foundations Completely discontinue communication with stakeholders and the public Offer free fitness courses for employees Increase the use of environmentally harmful materials in production show my results