Abbrechen Test your knowledge! Question Title * 1. What words do the letters POLC stand for? Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling Progress, Organizing, Logistics, Co-Workers Planning, Operations, Liquidity, Cash Question Title * 2. True or Wrong? The divisional structure has own departments, which all have their own specialist. (e.g.. IT-Consultant, Marketing,...) True Wrong Question Title * 3. What does the choice of flat or hierarchical structures depend on? A companies turnover goals and culture of a business the shareholders directions Question Title * 4. What leadership style gives the employee the most power? Democatric Autocratic Laissez-Faire Question Title * 5. In what management level is responsible for setting Key Performance Indicators? first-line management middle-level management top-level management Question Title * 6. What words does the SMART scheme contain? safe, modern, ambitious, reliable, tangible specific, measureable, attainable, relevant, time-based successful, motivated, appropriate, reasonable, thoughtful Question Title * 7. What are KPI´s? special software that helps managers to make decisions measurable values to assess progress or realisation of previous set goals a type of financial instrument used for trading on the stock exchange Question Title * 8. Which skill is crucial for conflict management in a team? Assertiveness Time management Empathy Financial analysis Fertig