Abbrechen Production and Procurement Question Title * 1. Name one advantage and disadvantage per production type Question Title * 2. What is a crossdock in warehouses? The Goods Receipt Storage Packing Station The Bypass of Storage, straight to goods dispatch Question Title * 3. Which is not a type of waste according to Lean? Defects Waititing Transportation Just-in-time Unsused Talent Question Title * 4. Name the Production Factors Question Title * 5. What does DMAIC stand for in Quality Control? Question Title * 6. What is a benefit of effective SRM? Reduced Costs Waste of Supplier‘s Potential High Supply Risk Improved Visibility Question Title * 7. According to the Kraljic Matrix, what would specialized packaging for pharmaceuticals be? Strategic Item Leverage Item Bottleneck Item Non-Critical Item Question Title * 8. Name at least three possible supply chain risks. Fertig