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* 1. In which country are you working?

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* 2. In which city are your working?

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* 3. Name of your university

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* 4. In which department are you working?

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* 5. What is your role in the curriculum of your university?

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* 6. How many new students are enrolled at your university each year?

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* 7. How is the preclinical curriculum in your university structured?

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* 8. Do your medical students receive any theoretical teaching in ultrasound?

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* 9. If yes, where?

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* 10. Do your pre-clinical medical students receive any practical (hands on) teaching in ultrasound?

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* 11. How many hours of practical (hands on) teaching do pre-clinical medical students receive in ultrasound?

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* 12. How many students are training per ultrasound device in your hands-on pre-clinical courses?

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* 13. Do your students have to pass a practical examination in ultrasound?

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* 14. Where do you see barriers for the implementation of ultrasound in the curriculum (adapted from Vi Am Dinh et al)?

  not important most important
Lack of funding for faculty
Lack of funding for equipment
Lack of time in current medical curriculum
Difficulty with faculty recruitment/training
Lack of acceptance or understanding of ultrasound
Political barriers (interdepartmental conflict)
No barriers

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* 15. Reasons for ultrasound implementation

  not important most important
Useful to learn later in practice
Helps students learn anatomy
Ultrasound and teaching is fun
Benefits school’s prestige
Ultrasound knowledge is useful for all physicians

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* 16. Do you have any other comments or suggestions?