
International Mobility with Disabilities (IMD) is a European project funded by the French Erasmus + Youth and Sports Agency. It aims at providing accessible information for youth with disabilities about all stages of the mobility path through a unique website :

Another part of the project gives youth structures and youth workers keys to support young people with disabilities during all stages of international mobility (preparation, on-site and return). To achieve this goal a study on good practices to welcome, host and support youth with disabilities in a new country is carried out. This also involves sending organizations as they often take an important part in this process. The identified good practices will be added to the IMD platform as well.

If your structure has sent or hosted youth with disabilities, your experience may serve other youth organizations across Europe. If your structure hasn’t welcomed any young people with disabilities, your opinion also matters to us. Tell us more about your challenges and needs.

Please help us in our goal to make going and living abroad for young people with disabilities more accessible and more feasible – fill out the survey at hand and tell us more about your good practice.

Thanks for your support!