Development of E-Health Solutions Improving Resilience in Europe

Dear participants,
This survey is conducted under the Development of E-Health Solutions Improving Resilience in Europe (DESIRE) project with the aim to identify the bottlenecks and challenges faced within the health sector by the stakeholder, from the solution providers to the other third parties active in the represented ecosystem. 

DESIRE is an EUROCLUSTER initiative dedicated to SMEs and stakeholders active in the health sector, more specifically the project addresses the challenges that the organizations are facing when accessing the European e-health and digital health market in order to build resilience and facilitate the green and digital transition.

The project gather the knowledge and expertise of five organization from three European countries: Human Technology Styria (AU), Internationalisierungs Center Steirmark (AU), EUROBIOMED (FR), Cluj IT (RO) and Interizon (PL).

Your input will help us to develop a comprehensive analysis which will be the base for the future targeted action relevant at the health sector.

Thank you!

the team of Styria GmbH

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* 1.  What are the most pressing needs within the digital health sector, both for individuals and for the overall development of the sector? How can these needs be addressed? 

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* 2. What are your main challenges and bottlenecks in the digital health sector, particularly in terms of technology uptake? 

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* 3. What are the funding and investment challenges faced by the digital health sector? I How can they be overcome, in your opinion?   

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* 4. What are the workforce and skills challenges in the digital health sector for your organisation? How can healthcare professionals and IT specialists be trained to meet the demands of this evolving field? 

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* 5. What are the main challenges faced by healthcare providers when trying to access new markets in the digital health sector? 

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* 6. What success stories or examples of collaborations between startups and established healthcare institutions or organizations are you aware of? How do these collaborations contribute to advancing healthcare solutions and improving patient outcomes?