Communicating Uncertainty as a Driving Force for Geosciences

March 17-19, 2025, University of Tübingen, Germany

This 3-day in-person training workshop aims to equip Early Career Researchers with knowledge and skills needed to effectively account for and communicate uncertainty in geosciences with their peers and public audience(s). The workshop is motivated by a need for achieving meaningful insights from geosciences outputs (e.g., maps, models, simulations, time series) which are used for decision-making, but often presented unaccompanied by uncertainty estimates. The content focus will be on uncertainty communication related to global challenges (disaster risk and climate change) for which geosciences have an essential role to play in finding solutions.
Application Form

Please fill in the form provided below to apply for the Spring School.

[+++updated+++] Deadline for application is Monday, February 10th, 2025.

You will be notified about the decision of the Organising Committee shortly after that.

For a confirmation of your application, you can opt to have a link to your submitted form being sent to an email address of your choice at the end.
1 Personal Information & Contact

Question Title


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Please note that an Early Career Scientist (ECS) is a student, a PhD candidate, or a practising scientist who received their highest certificate (e.g. BSc, MSc or PhD) within the past seven years. The seven-year period can be extended to allow for periods when the scientist was not working in science because of, but not limited to, caring and/or parental responsibilities, disability, personal illness, community obligations or national service.

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Travel Support

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Curriculum Vitae

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2 Motivation & Case Study

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Please provide a short motivation statement (1500 chracters max) highlightling why you want to participate in the Spring School and how your background and skills relate to the aspects it addresses.

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Example / Case Study

Please describe an example of a case study connected to your research/work that you would like to bring to the Spring School. Include information on related data and challenges you would like to further explore and discuss. If you already published on this topic/example, feel free to also include links to related papers.

Thank your for your interest in the Spring School!