exCITE Symposium 2024

Thank you for registering. Decision-makers indicate their intention to be represented by an authorized individual who can speak on their behalf and represent their organisation in case of a last-minute absence.

With the participation in this survey the legal provisions and guidelines of SurveyMonkey Europe UC (https://uk.surveymonkey.com/mp/legal/) are accepted. If you have any questions, please contact jan.jordan@ita.rwth-aachen.de.

1.Kindly provide your work email address
2.Name (given name & family name)
3.Which of the following stakeholder types do you belong to?
4.Interested in becoming a sponsor of the event?
5.What is your occupation/position in your organisation?
6.Food for thoughts - I intend to participate in following culinary parts of the event:
7.I intend to travel via
8.What else should we consider?
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