Experiences with the payment card in Rhineland-Palatinate
I am...
in possession of a payment card
a volunteer/ volunteer accompaniment
an employee of an advisory service
a family member
a friend
Since when do you have a payment card? (MM/YYYY)
Which social security office is in charge?
How do you like the payment card?
I like the payment card.
I think the payment card is okay.
I don't like the payment card.
Other (please state)
None of the above
Where do problems occur with the payment card?
When charging
When paying in a small supermarket (e.g. turkish supermarket, second hand store, hairdresser, ...)
When paying at the farmers' market
When paying online (e.g. cell phone contract, electricity, gas, Deutsche Bahn, Amazon)
With the employer
With the landlord/landlady
In the family (e.g. with the children)
At kindergarten, at school
At the lawyer
Other (please state)
None of the above
What else would you like to tell us about the payment card?
With regard to the payment card: What would you like to see from the Flüchtlingsrat RLP e.V.?
Further training
Information events
Tool box/ work aids
Other (please state)
None of the above