About you

Thank you for your interest in joining WHM Returners, a monthly meet-up for women in Berlin who are on maternity leave and will be returning to work for the company they're currently employed by. 

Please fill out this form to tell me a little more about yourself, and I'll be in touch with the details of our next get-together soon.

Thank you and best wishes,



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* 1. Your name

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* 2. Your email address

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* 3. Your LinkedIn profile URL

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* 4. What company do you work for?

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* 5. What is your job title or role?

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* 6. What date are you due to return to work, or if you have already returned to work, when did you start?


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* 7. What is your biggest challenge/ concern when it comes to returning to work? You can choose more than one option.

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* 8. Why would you like to join WHM Returners? What are you hoping to get out of our meet-ups?

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* 9. When are you available to meet?