When: Early October, 2023
Singleron Biotechnologies is offering an 8-week bioinformatics beginner course to support single cell sequencing users. No bioinformatics background required. Limited seats available.

Register now or contact us at info@singleronbio.com (pricing information available upon request).
Over the past decade, there has been significant advancement in single cell technologies which have improved our understanding of tissue heterogeneity in fields like oncology and developmental biology. The large amount of data generated requires deep dives to uncover biological insights, making bioinformatics crucial skills in single cell analysis. However, due to the large computing power required and complex data structures, single cell data analysis can appear intimidating, especially for those new to the field.

To support single cell sequencing users without bioinformatics background in building up their own data analysis capability, Singleron biotechnologies is offering a part-time bioinformatics beginner course for single cell data analysis covering the following topics:
  • Linux basics and CeleScope 
  • R basics and single cell data exploration 
  • Cell type annotation 
  • Cell trajectory 
  • Cell-cell communication 
  • Gene enrichment analysis 
The course includes both in-person lectures and tutorials supported by Singleron’s bioinformatics team. The lectures provide an overview of up-to-date single cell technologies and analysis methods, while the tutorials include hands-on sessions which will allow researchers to set up their own single cell analysis workflow with publicly available tools. A certificate of participation is awarded upon successful completion. 

The 8-week course will take place with in-person and online sessions from early October, 2023.
The computing will take place in our AWS cloud server and your own computer. To ensure a smooth data exploration, we recommend your computer has >= 16 GB RAM.

Any questions? Please contact us at info@singleronbio.com (pricing information available upon request).

Please complete the form below to register your interest:

***Please note***

By providing your contact information you give Singleron Biotechnologies consent to process your data and contact you regarding the Single Cell Analysis Boot Camp. Your information will be processed in accordance with GDPR and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Question Title

* 1. Required information:

Question Title

* 2. Do you have any bioinformatics analysis background?

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* 3. Do you have any experience analyzing NGS data?

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* 4. What single cell data analysis tools have you used or plan to use?

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* 5. Have your performed (or are you performing) a single cell analysis project before, and is now planning to conduct data analysis?

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* 6. Do you plan to perform a single cell analysis project including data analysis?

Project details
Tell us how this bioinformatics course could help you in your research project

Question Title

* 7. Please briefly describe the technical details of the single cell analysis project that you have performed or plan to perform (species, number of samples, type of samples, single cell analysis platform used) (<750 characters)

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* 8. What types of analysis do you hope to be able to perform upon completing this bioinformatics course? How do you think this course can help you in your single cell analysis projects? (<750 characters)

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* 9. How did you hear about this course?

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* 10. Do you want to subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on future events and news?

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* 11. By submitting this form, you accept our commercial team to contact you for the boot camp follow-ups? Additional information, including pricing will be shared.