Secondary Language Development Survey 1
Informational Market Research Survey
For Parents
What is the primary language you speak with your child? (Please choose only one.)
If applicable, please list any additional language(s) you speak with your child.
Have you ever spent money on a product or activity with one of the main goals being to immerse your child in a second language?
How much money have you spent in the past on a product or activity with one of the goals being to immerse your child in a second language?
A) $1-$50
B) $51-$99
C) $100-$150
D) $151+
E) Not applicable
How much importance do/did you as a parent or guardian place on your childs secondary language development?
A great deal
A lot
A moderate amount
A little
None at all
What would/would have most assisted you in helping your child learn a second language?
A) Financially accessible language learning platform
B) Family support
Which of these actions do/did you do with greater frequency to encourage your child to speak a second language?
A) Speak to your child in the desired secondary language while also using their primary language in conversation
B) Require your child to speak and respond to you only in the desired secondary language
C) Encourage your child to watch tv and/or play games in desired second language
D) Read to your child using books in the desired language
How effective do you think play based learning is when teaching a child a new concept?
Extremely effective
Very effective
Somewhat effective
Not so effective
Not at all effective
If you could change the way that you encourage/encouraged your child to learn a second language what would you do differently?
A) Increase the frequency that you interact with your child in the secondary language
B) Introduce child to environments where the desired secondary language is spoken by children their age
C) Introduce child-friendly apps that focus on teaching the desired secondary language
D) Enrol child in a language course to learn desired secondary language
How much would you pay for a language learning product for your child with the purpose of having them learn a new language if they were between the ages of 1-7?
A) $1-$50
B) $51-$99
C) $100-$150
D) $151+
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered