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Online Exhibition

We are delighted to invite you to an online exhibition, where we will present Frankfurt School of Finance & Management's digital training portfolio as well as our training methodology and approach.

Please register here if you would like to attend the online exhibition.

When: October 28, from 1-2 PM (CEST)
Where: MS Teams (we will provide you with the link after registration)

Disclaimer: Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gGmbH is responsible for data processing , Adickesallee 32-34, 60322 Frankfurt am Main. We collect and process your personal data (full name, institution, Email address) for the purpose of holding the above-mentioned event (Art. 6 Par. 1 lit. b) GDPR). Your data will not be passed on to third parties.
For further information, please refer to the Frankfurt School's privacy policy at"

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* 1. Full Name

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* 2. Institution

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* 3. Email Address

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