Welcome to ZDHC!

We look forward to your organisation joining ZDHC and collaborating with you to create the tools and guidance necessary to drive the widespread implementation of sustainable chemistry and best practices in the textile, apparel and footwear industries!

Completing this form is part of your onboarding process as a new ZDHC Signatory. This form collects general information such as - your main representative/contact point for ZDHC; identifies which Focus and Cross Cutting Area(s) your organisation will participate in; and how we should name your organisation in written communications.
We use this information to build an information sheet on your company to contact the right person when the times come, add you to the right contact lists, and add you to meeting/call calendar invites.

Please Note: 
  1. Only submit this form once all the sections are complete. Unfortunately, the technology we currently use does not allow to save and submit at a later date - sorry for that.
  2. Any information you submit is held securely. Just so you know, we do not share or sell it.

Questions along the way? Please email contribute@zdhc.org.

Question Title

* 1. Full name of your organisation:
(name under which your organisation is registered legally at your local Chamber of Commerce)

Question Title

* 2. Full address of your organisation