🌍 PLANET4B – Join our Learning Community of Urban Youth

Are you passionate about biodiversity and nature, and would like to empower other young people to take part in decision-making regarding these topics? Are you interested in exploring innovative intervention methods, such as experiential games, as well as arts-based, creative and deliberative methods, to enhance youth involvement in sustainability issues? If so, we invite you to be a part of the PLANET4B Learning Community within the Urban Youth Case Study under the research-oriented Horizon Europe program.

More info ➡️ Call for Participation.
1.Given Name / Name(Required.)
2.Family Name / Nachname(Required.)
4.Date of birth / Geburstdatum(Required.)
5.Occupation / Tätigkeit(Required.)
6.Do you represent a group/association? Which one? / Vertreten Sie eine Gruppe/einen Verein? Welche?
7.A brief statement of interest expressing your motivation to be part of the case study and your relevant expertise / Eine kurze Interessenbekundung, in der Sie Ihre Motivation, an der Fallstudie teilzunehmen, und Ihre einschlägigen Fachkenntnisse zum Ausdruck bringen.
8.I agree for my information to be used for the processing of the registration form with accordance to the GDPR of the European Union.
Ich stimme zu, dass meine Angaben zur Verarbeitung des Anmeldeformulars gemäß der DSGVO der Europäischen Union verwendet werden.