The field of neurology is constantly changing and evolving. One of the main aims of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) is the dissemination of new research results and relevant information regarding clinical activities among European neurologists and related professionals. For this purpose, the EAN is currently working in a new web-based platform (EAN pages) that will be designed with new format and contents in order to increase the scientific knowledge and education among our community with neurological news and updates. To better achieve these goals we need to know your opinion about the current Neuropenews format and the potential improvements you would like to see implemented in the upcoming new Neuropenews, the EAN-pages. We are kindly asking for your collaboration by fulfilling this brief survey.

The survey is anonymous. It will take 5 minutes of your time. The closing date is December 31, 2015.

Thank you for your time.

Question Title

* 1. You are

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* 2. Your age:

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* 4. Which specialty is your primary specialty?

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* 5. Which of the following options most closely describes your role?

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* 6. Neuropenews is provided free of charge to all members of the European Academy of Neurology.

  Yes No Not sure
Are you a member of a national neurological society?
Are you a member of a national society of another specialty?
Are you a member of the EAN?

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* 7. How often do you access Neuropenews?

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* 8. Neuropenews offers to our readers the possibility to post comments. How important is this possibility for you?

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* 9. How useful is the following content to you?

  Essential Very useful Quite useful Limited use Not useful at all
Neuropenews has different section that can be used to provide update about the last discoveries in Neurology (for example, the Paper of the month).
The education corner has learning activities, grants opportunities and information about conferences.
The Scientific corner provides advertisements about several opportunities to become active in the EAN. Furthermore, it has information about scientific panels of EAN.
The section “news from EAN” recorded interviews from active members speaking about conferences activities and future opportunities offered by EAN.

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* 10. What other content/resources would you wish to see us develop?