By filling out this survey, you (1) assign all rights of your responses to Cision for its use and distribution; and (2) agree and consent to these responses being used and compiled in an anonymized form for Cision’s State of the Media Report. If you provide your contact information, you understand and agree that Cision may contact you for additional discussions regarding your responses.

Question Title

* 1. Which best describes your primary work outlet? (Choose all that apply.)

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* 3. Which topics or industries do you currently cover? (Choose all that apply.)

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* 4. Which of the following best describes your current work status?

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* 5. What is your title?

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* 6. How many years have you worked in journalism/media?

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* 7. What do you believe were the biggest challenges for journalists in the last 12 months? (Choose up to three.)

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* 8. What kind of content do you most want to receive from PR representatives? (Choose all that apply.)

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* 9. Which of the following resources have you relied on in the past year to get stories or story ideas? (Choose all that apply.)

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* 10. How has your relationship with public relations professionals changed over the last year?

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* 11. In your experience, what are some of the ways PR professionals provide value? (Choose all that apply.)

Question Title

* 12. On average, how many pitches do you receive a week (including emails, phone calls, social media messages, etc.)?

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* 13. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "Most pitches I receive are relevant to my audience and what I cover."

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* 14. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "I get fewer quality pitches from PR professionals compared to just a few years ago."

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* 15. What are the biggest reasons you reject a pitch? (Choose all that apply.)

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* 16. How often do you get media pitches that you’d like to cover, but can’t (due to time/resource constraints, the need to prioritize other news stories, etc.)?

Question Title

* 17. The ideal length of a written pitch is...

Question Title

* 18. Fill in the blank: In addition to being relevant to my audience, the ideal pitch should include _____ for me to consider covering it. (Choose all that apply.)

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* 19. How do you prefer to receive pitches?

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* 20. Which multimedia or data elements - that were provided by PR professionals or agencies - have you included in your content over the past year? (Choose all that apply.)

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* 21. Are you more likely to pursue a pitch if it includes multimedia elements?

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* 22. How many times should a PR professional follow up with you after sending a pitch?

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* 23. What would make you block a PR professional or put them on your “don’t call” list? Choose all that apply.

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* 24. In the last year, have you used social media for any of the following work-related reasons? (Choose all that apply.)

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* 25. How often do you engage with PR professionals on social media?

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* 26. Which of the following social media platforms do you use most frequently for professional purposes? (Choose all that apply.)

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* 27. Are you using generative AI tools like ChatGPT to support your work? If yes, in what capacity?

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* 28. How do you feel about PR professionals using AI to generate pitches or press releases?

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* 29. What are some concerns you have with PR professionals using AI to generate press releases or pitches?

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* 30. For PR professionals who want to focus on building professional relationships with journalists, what is the best way for them to connect with you/introduce themselves? (Choose all that apply.)

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* 31. Would you be open to being contacted for potential follow up questions? If yes, please enter your contact information below.

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* 32. Would you be interested in participating in our State of the Media LIVE webinar as a panelist to discuss findings from this survey? If yes, please enter your full name, organization and email address below.