ERKReg Data Access Request / Registry Analysis Concept Sheet |
For innovative research purposes, interested parties may request access to ERKReg’s data. Please complete the data search form when submitting a request for ERKReg and sub-registry data. Upon receipt of your draft document, the project Management team will send feedback within 6 weeks.
The ERKReg Board has implemented a data access policy that governs data use, ensuring high standards of security, privacy, and integrity.
Please note the eligibility criteria for data access requestors:
Investigators of active contributing units (having enrolled at least 50 patients in total and 3% of the enrolled population of interest+ clear scientific interest and expertise) or external investigators with an active ERKReg collaborator (fulfilling the same rules) are entitled to request data analyses.
For questions, please contact us at erkreg@erknet.org
For inquiries from the industry, please contact erkreg@erknet.org directly with your proposal.