Introduction & purpose

This empirical market study analyzes current regulatory trends and influencing topics in the automotive remanufacturing sector. This questionnaire is part of the APRA Working Group between OTH-Amberg Weiden, University of Bayreuth and ISMO BTS GmbH. The aim of the survey is to obtain a comprehensive picture of the regulatory- driven perspective among industry experts and to identify key developments that are shaping the European market today and in the future.

It only takes 15 minutes to complete the survey. All information will of course be treated confidentially and will only be evaluated anonymously.

Interim results of this survey will be presented on 09.04.2025 at Rematec in Amsterdam on Wednesday, 09th April 2025 from 09:00am to 11:00am (more information here) and jointly prioritized for further work.
Thank you very much for your support!
