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Landscape of Global Surgery in Europe

The aim of this survey is to study how much understanding of the discipline "Global Surgery" there is within the WHO EURO Region.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Global Surgery? Have you been involved with Global Surgery before? If yes, what was your experience? What activities should definitely be promoted as part of our growing network of collaborators?
Who we are
We are a network of healthcare professionals working in Global Surgery. We came together in a pan-European network for Global Surgery to collaborate across Europe on joint projects in education, research, advocacy, and training in Global Surgery together with our partners worlwide.
Our aim
Study and promote meaningful activities as part of our growing network and engage people to engage in sustainable and resilient surgical systems as part of strong healthcare systems across the globe.
For questions or more information contact
Data protection
The survey is confidential and complies with data protection requirements. Any use or publication of the data will be anonymous and cannot be linked to you personally.
Should you be interested in being mentioned as a collaborator for the publication please fill in your data at the end of the survey (voluntary).
The Survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
0 of 21 answered