
With this survey, the Global AMR R&D Hub seeks to consult with a broad range of stakeholders to obtain feedback on the draft Collaboration Framework, and suggestions on how to increase global AMR R&D coordination and collaboration.

The survey will be open from 02 September to 10 October 2019.

We recommend downloading the draft Collaboration Framework, available at https://globalamrhub.org/our-work/collaboration/ , and the Roadmap for the Dynamic Dashboard, available at https://globalamrhub.org/our-work/dynamic-dashboard/ , prior to completing the survey.

There are no mandatory questions, but you are encouraged to provide as much feedback as possible in order to maximise the impact of the survey.

Please note that all responses will be kept confidential, and an anonymised and aggregated summary of the feedback received will be published on the Global AMR R&D Hub’s website in November 2019. 
7% of survey complete.