Survey WBMT donor issue committee
Email address
In which country is your center located?
In which city is your center located?
In which hospital / donation center are you working?
This is a survey to identify the need for further education in the following areas. Please Check all boxes that apply and add comments in the text field.
Regulatory issues
Consenting adult donors
Donor medical check-up (incl. laboratory tests, infectious disease markers, collection, imaging, etc.)
Pediatric topics (consenting, techniques, etc.)
Pregnant donors
Central Venous Catheter
Peripheral blood stem cell collection leukocyte collection by apheresis
BM collection (incl. collection techniques, ABO-incompatibility, etc.)
Poor allogeneic stem cell mobilizers (adult/pediatric)
Related donor follow-up
Donor Outcome Registry
Training of staff
Additional need (please specify)
What is your preferred kind of education? Please check all boxes that apply and add comments in the text field.
Virtual meetings
Standard operating procedure
In-person meetings at scientific congresses (EBMT, TCT;...)
Other (please specify)
We thank you for your participation in the survey!