We invite you to participate in a research project called Facing Academic Integrity Threats (FAITH). The project is funded by the EU through Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership (Project Number 2021-1-TR01-KA220-HED-000027559) and involves five partner institutions: Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Türkiye), the European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI; Czechia), the University of Konstanz (Germany), the University of Maribor (Slovenia), and the University of Porto (Portugal).

The project aims to:
  1. establish a benchmark for minimum standards for academic integrity policies in Europe and beyond based on good practice internationally (Project Results 1);
  2. prevent, deter, and detect academic misconduct through evidence-based guidance and training materials (Project Results 2);
  3. raise awareness and support victims of academic misconduct through an interactive portal and online network (Project Results 3).
To achieve the third aim, evidence will be collected through an online survey of undergraduate students’ perceptions, experiences and support needs regarding academic integrity, academic misconduct and questionable practices.
We request that you participate in the project by responding to this online survey. The survey was developed by an international team of researchers from the Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Türkiye), the University of Porto (Portugal) and ENAI (Czechia). There is no time limit for answering the survey, but it is estimated that it should take you about 15 minutes.
This survey is compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulations. Your participation is voluntary and anonymous. It will not be possible to trace your answers back to you. You are free to withdraw at any time without any consequences. Your participation does not involve any risks to you, but the benefits include raising awareness about academic integrity and the prevention of questionable practices and academic misconduct among undergraduate students. You will also be contributing to new evidence concerning the level of support needed by undergraduate students that have been affected by the dishonest behaviours of others.
This survey has been approved by the Ethics and Integrity Advisory Working Group (EIAWG) of ENAI and the Ethics Committee of the Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Coordinator).

To start the survey, please answer the question below:

Question Title

* 1. To start the survey, please answer the question below: