German action plan 30% organic farm land in 2030 - IFOAM EU stakeholders interview

Your fears and hopes regarding Germanys Organic plan: going 30% Organic till 2030

About the survey: The EU has set the target of achieving 25% organic farmland in 2030, and some Member States are even more ambitious, like Germany that wants to achieve 30%. This is a great chance and also a challenge. Several governments have set up a strategic planning process to achieve the targets, with support of scientists and with varying degree of stakeholder involvement. IFOAM Organics Europe, together with the German Thuenen-Institute of Organic Farming, would like to ask you about your hopes and fears regarding policy actions for achieving the organic targets in your country. The data will be used for a report for IFOAM Organics Europe, as well as serve as input for the discussion on the German organic action plan in 2023. We would like to invite you to answer the 10 questions as best as you can. You don’t need to provide details. Headline information and bullet points are sufficient. We only ask open questions, so you are free in the way you answer. It will not take more than 30 minutes of your valuable time and will be a big contribution to the design of organic action plans in the EU. A report will be provided to you through IFOAM Organics Europe in the beginning of 2023. Finally, we would like to draw your attention to the recent report by the Thuenen institute on policy support for organic farming in Europe. It contains a section on organic action plans, which may be a useful resource for you. Your answers may build on the information that is already in this report.
1.About you: a) which country (region) do you answer for and b) from which perspective (farmers organisation, processor, trader, IFOAM Organics Europe council member, researcher, others) and c) how would you rate your expertise (very good – good – medium – low – very low)? representing:
2.Organic in your country: What is the situation of the organic sector in your country (farmland share, market share)? How has the organic sector developed in your country in the last 5 years, and what where drivers/barriers for this development? What are your expectations for 2023 and the years after, especially with regards to recent price increases caused by the war in Ukraine?
3.Organic Action Plans in your country: a) has your country (region) developed or is it planning to develop an action plan responding to the EU 25% target and the most recent EU organic action plan, b) If yes, what are the targets and main actions, and how will these actions be funded?
4.Your assessment of Organic Action plan(s)   Does the latest action plan reflect an improvement compared with the previous action plan (if there was one), if so in what ways (related to targets, priority actions, funding)? Do the targets meet the aspirations of the organic sector and/or make a relevant contribution to the EU 25% target? c) What aspects would need to be improved to deliver appropriate targets? Who is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the organic action plan?
5.Organic Action Plans and CAP Strategic Plans: How well is the action plan reflected or integrated in the CAP Strategic Plans of your country (region)?
6.Increasing organic demand: a) Is your country planning to increase organic demand through public procurement, b) has your country promotion policies in place, or is planning promotion policies to increase organic consumption?
7.Advocacy: What do you need to be able to better advocate for an ambitious national OAP and for its adequate implementation?
8.Recommendations for Germany: a) Germany is the biggest market of organic in Europe, the German government is planning to reach 30% organic farmland by 2030. Do you an expect an impact of the German organic action plan and target on the organic sector in your country? b) What would you recommend Germany to do as strategic actions to achieve 30% by 2030?
9.Cooperation across Member States: Do you see a need to better coordinate design and implementation of national Organic Action Plans among Member States? How can that be achieved?
10.Last but not least: Do you have further comments, information, suggestions etc., feel free to write them here: