Welcome to "AI Literacy Survey"

Dear participant,

My name is Julian Stöcklein and I am studying Business Administration (M. Sc.) at the University of Augsburg.

As part of my master's thesis at the Chair of Information Systems & Management (Prof. Dr. Veit) under the supervision of Dr. Moritz Bruckner, I am investigating the impact of competencies related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a job context. To gather empirical data for my research, I kindly invite you to answer a few questions.

  • The questionnaire is expected to take about 10 minutes to complete.
  • To successfully complete the survey, all questions must be answered.
  • All the data from this survey will be treated anonymously and used for scientific purposes only.
  • Refer to your work situation when answering the questions.
    • It is possible to cancel the survey at any time.
    If you have any questions regarding the survey or need further assistance, please feel free to contact me.

    Julian Stöcklein
    E-Mail: julian.stoecklein@uni-a.de
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