AI Literacy Survey Welcome to "AI Literacy Survey" Dear participant,My name is Julian Stöcklein and I am studying Business Administration (M. Sc.) at the University of Augsburg.As part of my master's thesis at the Chair of Information Systems & Management (Prof. Dr. Veit) under the supervision of Dr. Moritz Bruckner, I am investigating the impact of competencies related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a job context. To gather empirical data for my research, I kindly invite you to answer a few questions.Procedure: The questionnaire is expected to take about 10 minutes to complete. To successfully complete the survey, all questions must be answered. All the data from this survey will be treated anonymously and used for scientific purposes only. Refer to your work situation when answering the questions. It is possible to cancel the survey at any time. Contact:If you have any questions regarding the survey or need further assistance, please feel free to contact me.Julian StöckleinE-Mail: Page1 / 11 Continue