Evaluation of operability, function and content

Many thanks for your willingness to take a few minutes time to give us a feedback to our new product New Ships Orderbook. With your help we are able to design the New Ships Orderbook according to your wishes and your requirements.
Sie möchten Ihr Feedback lieber auf Deutsch abgeben?
Hier finden Sie die Umfrage auf Deutsch: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/CRZLWBM

Question Title

* 1. How easy was it for you to get the information you searched for?

  very difficult difficult rather difficult rather easy easy very easy
Searching for information was...

Question Title

* 2. Please evaluate the following features/functions of the New Ships Orderbook

  function not noticed very bad bad rather bad rather good good very good
General inquiries e.g. name, customer, type of ship
Range of categories and range of extended search
Differentiation by date
Differentiation by order status
Option to save the search
Option to be notified about a saved search when a new message comes in
Concise representation of result list
Option to export result list

Question Title

* 3. Please evaluate the data quality of the result list

  very bad bad rather bad rather good good very good
Data quality result list

Question Title

* 4. How would you assess the clarity of presentation of the New Ships Orderbook in general?

  very bad bad rather bad rather good good very good
General clarity of presentation

Question Title

* 5. Here you can submit your comments or your critique as well as your praise concerning the usability and the functions of the New Ships Orderbook

Question Title

* 6. Which of the features of the New Ships Orderbook do you use most intensively?

Question Title

* 7. What kind of features do you miss?