Please tell us about your experience of selling a bankruptcy claim

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* 1. Was this the first time you sold a bankruptcy claim?

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* 2. What was the approximate original value of the claim sold?

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* 3. How many interested buyers for the claim contacted you?

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* 4. How did interested buyers primarily contact you?

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* 5. What were your primary motivating factors to sell the claim?

  Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important
Receive cash immediately
Lack of resources/expertise to follow bankruptcy process
Eliminate uncertainty of timing/amount
Normalize relations with customer
Establish a tax loss

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* 6. Did you seek any legal advice when deciding to sell your claim?

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* 7. How confident are you that you received a fair price for the claim?

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* 8. What is your job title/function?

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* 9. Overall, how satisfied were you with the claim selling process?

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* 10. Is there anything else you want to share about your experience selling claims?