ztC Edge Product Feedback

ztC Edge stands for “zero touch computing” – it’s a fully integrated, self-protecting, highly efficient industrial computing system for running business-critical industrial applications in remote locations. Features like built-in virtualization, automated application and data protection, automated site recovery, rugged plug-and-play design, and cloud-based systems health management services, offer companies with business-critical compute needs at remote, distributed locations increased operator efficiency, reduced IT burden, and minimized downtime risk

Question Title

* 6. What is your initial impression of the product on a scale of 1 to 7, seven being best? (Please base your answer on the description if you have not directly experienced the product)

Question Title

* 9. Which features do you find the most valuable or important? Please assign a relative ranking to the features below by distributing 100 total points among the 5 features. The more points you give a feature, the more important that feature is. If a feature is not important at all, please give it zero points. The total points given to all features must equal 100.

  0 20 40 60 80 100
Built-in virtualization - Easily run virtualized applications, increasing resource utilization.
Automated application and data protection - Instantly improve the reliability of your application and data, reducing downtime
Automated site recovery - Mitigate the risk of a local site disaster, ensuring business continuity
Rugged plug and play design - Systems can be used in extreme environments, and easily repaired by your plant staff, providing greater deployment flexibility 
Cloud based systems heath management services - Stratus monitors your systems, so you don’t have to, saving you time and helping you optimize your environment

Question Title

* 10. Which features would you like to see in future versions of this product? Please explain.