Workshop Climate Risks for Agriculture in Croatia
Overall, how would you rate the workshop?
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5 stars
What did you like about the workshop?
What did you dislike about the workshop?
Which presentation did you find most interesting?
A holistic view on risks for Farmers in Croatia, by Mario Njavro (University of Zagreb, Agricultural Faculty)
Crop growing conditions and climate trends in observations from the EU Crop Yield Forecasting System: Putting Croatia in the context of Europe, by Stefan Niemeyer & Andrej Ceglar (JRC MARS)
Weather and Climate Change impact on Agriculture in Croatia (agrometeorological parameters and projections), by Ivana Cavlina Tomasevic (DHMZ)
Climate data, maps and future projections in support of assessing vulnerability to drought, by Melita Percec Tadic (DHMZ)
Closing the Protection Gap: Public-Private Insurance Schemes, Drought Insurance Scheme for Croatia? Frost as a systemic risk in times of climate change?, by Kresimir Francic (Croatia Osiguranje)
Agriculture Risk Metrics – an Art or a Science?, by Maria de Vries (Genillard & Co)
How much did you like the Agriculture Risk Metrics tool?
1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
5 stars
I don't know this tool
Would you use the Agriculture Risk Metrics tool if it would be available to you?
Definitely would
Probably would
Probably would not
Definitely would not
I don't know this tool
Would you like to attend the workshop again next year?
Very likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Very unlikely
What is your (professional) background?
University Student
Agricultural Producer
Agricultural insurer
Agricultural media industry
Agricultural organization / association / cooperative
Research or meteorological Institution
Broking agent
Other (please specify)