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Opertus Mundi - Survey for Data owners and producers
We are building Europe’s Industrial Geospatial Data Marketplace where you’ll be able to search for, share, trade, and use geospatial data assets. Your expertise would be a great help in designing the platform according to your needs as a geospatial data owner and producer!
The European Commission has tasked us with implementing the Horizon 2020 project Opertus Mundi, which will provide a central hub for geospatial data that guarantees affordability and flexibility in line with the needs of all users regardless of their size, domain, and expertise.
How will you benefit as a geospatial data owner and producer? With the ability to advertise, market, and sell your data assets, you can significantly expand your reach, tap into new markets and territories, and increase your clientele and profitability.
The platform is currently in its first stages of development, and a beta release is planned for the end of 2020. The survey is anonymous. We will not request or store your personal details. Your responses cannot be linked back to you. The survey results will be processed by the Athena Research Centeron behalf of the OpertusMundi Consortium and will be published as aggregate statistics. For more information, please visit Please continue if you accept these terms.