The data collected is completely anonymous and will not be linked to any individuals.

Question Title

* 1. How strong do the following challenges impact your organization?

  Not impacted at all Mostly not impacted Neutral Somewhat impacted Extremely impacted
Geopolitical tensions
Supply chain shortage
Energy crisis
Need for talent
Economic recession
Social pressure

Question Title

* 2. How vulnerable do you think your organization would be to the following challenges?

  Not vulnerable at all Mostly not vulnerable Neutral Somewhat vulnerable Extremely vulnerable
Geopolitical tensions
Supply chain shortage
Energy crisis
Need for talent
Economic recession
Social pressure

Question Title

* 3. Do you consider the organization you work for to be well prepared for the challenges that lie ahead?

Question Title

* 4. How confident are you in your company's negotiation ability to navigate the uncertainty of the business environment in 2023?

Question Title

* 5. How would you rate the degree to which your internal negotiation processes are adjusted to the current challenges?